Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Shopping DONE!!!!
Yaaaaay I'm very proud of myself this year...I didn't save my shopping until the last minute.... I am all done!!! Just waiting for the FedEx guy to deliver!! I have to say I love online shopping!! No crabby, pissed off checkers or rude folks running up your ankles with carts!! I shopped from home in my pj's with a beer in hand...It was GREAT!!! I highly recommend this to anyone!
As you can tell I'm one who doesn't care for shopping!! Yes guys a girl who hates the mall!! Amasing isn't it! I hate "window" shopping. I know what I want in the store and where it is... Go in get it and get the f**k out!!
I'm sure as I wrap things there will be someone I forgot, there always is! Oh shyt... As I sit here typing this I remembered the gift exchange at work!! Dayummmmmm it! Ah well gift cards are always good and fast!!!
Happy shopping everyone!!!!! BLAH!! =)


Blogger Erik said...

I haven't even been able to start my Christmas shopping yet this is.

I am soooo fucked, and not in the fun way. Maybe I'll find some gifts in my travels, but that would take a miracle, I think.

9:58 PM  
Blogger AletaR said...

Can't believe it took you this long to catch on to the joys of on-line shopping! Check out the PeaPod grocery shopping and you'll be all set. A recluse, who never has to leave the home except to go to work and the bar.....

9:15 AM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

You have 11 days left!!! No pressure or anything! ;)

2:06 PM  
Blogger AletaR said...

This blog is really old now...time to update....

10:27 PM  

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