Friday, November 18, 2005

Thoughts of the week!!!

One thought comes to mind this week.....Why me??? Worked my usual forty hours this week, however it felt like eighty... Monday...Uneventful.. Worked four hours n I was outta there like the wind... Tuesday...Worked twelve and a half hours 7am-730pm... Not bad, however I had to train this new nurse....Just graduated in May and knows possibly everything there is to know....Made for a long day and just about wanted to slap her.... Wednesday...Spilled my coffee on my way to work this fine morning... Got about 4 hours of sleep...feelin reeeeal good...Did I mention I had a cold all week as well....Got to work five minutes late, remembered that I was to work another twelve and a half hours....yaaay...Find out I get to orientate another new nurse...This one is lazy and has no ambition to learn anything...Another fun day...Thursday....Once again spilled my coffee on my way to work...gat dayumit...WTF... I'm not allowing myself to drink coffee in the F150 anymore...yesss another twelve and a half hours..woooohoooo....4 hours of sleep once again...Cold kickin my azz... and oooh goody I get to orientate again...what fun... Only this one has experience (20 some years) thinkin WTF am I gonna teach her...Well yea she's dumber then shyt...and doesnt have a clue about anything....Thinkin how the f**k did you make it this long as a nurse??? Lawd I wanted to shoot myself by the end of this day... Did I mention how much I loooooove orientating new people... Friday... spent the day with my son (geeeez is he a busy body...into everything) wooo made me tired...picked my mom n stepdad up at the airport....This was my most enjoyable day...Now I'm sitting down to drink, drink, drink my little heart well as catch a rerun of repo men....Still have this dayum cold too...GRRRRRRR....WTF...


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