Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh goody Thanksgiving Again!!

Oh yaaaay! Thanksgiving again! I am not a fan of "Thanksgiving". Why you may ask? Well the meaning of the holiday is not all it's cracked up to be! To me, and many native americans, Thanksgiving recalls all of the European settlers, the brain washing/stealing etc of the Native people. You may recall from school the "In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue." Well now I beg to differ, "In 1492 Columbus told the Natives fuck you. And by the way "Thanks-for-giving" us your land!!! This is the crazy society we live in, we celebrate this holiday that has been so distorted. "Thanksgiving" was the celebration after a mass murder event. This is like giving Jeffery Dalmer a frickin holiday! To me that is SICK and TWISTED!!!!!! Now don't get me wrong I do attend family events on this "holiday" however my beliefs are such that I only do it to please my family. I am Thankful for everything I have, do, believe and enjoy however, these are things one should not take for granted on a daily basis. One day per year to appreciate the things we are able to do, have and enjoy is hardly enough. Think about it!! Don't take life for granted!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!

I must send a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! To my girl Shannon! We went out this weekend and she had a blast, not a care in the world! Partied like a rockstar!!! Just remember who was holding your hair and cleaning up your puke girlfriend!! Only a true friend would do that! I still love ya girl, & Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Good Tymes!!

So my little brother calls me on sunday, with a lot of backround noise going on. I didn't think much of it until he screams in my ear "I'm at the PACKER game" ok well yea I am watching it too... Some how I missed the "at" part of the sentence. My brother and my dad went to the game, didn't have tickets mind you, just went on a whim. These two got FRONT ROW 50 yard line tickets!!!! Dayummmmmmmm why the hell didn't I go???????? I could have killed myself at that point!!! On top of it, it was a kick ass game too!! DAyummmmmm!!!
I on the other hand was trick or treating with my son and my lil cousin and her 2 friends. My son when asked what do you say when you ring the door bell??? Replies to my neighbor and good friend "How's your potty??" I was trying not to laugh but Kel and I looked at each other and lost it!! It was great!! Priceless!! As you can see that's what we have been talking about lately. It was fun, however the game would have been awesome to see... maybe next time...