Monday, January 30, 2006

"Death will come, always out of season."

"Do not grieve. Misfortunes will happen to the wisest and best of men. Death will come, always out of season. It is the command of the Great Spirit, and all nations and people must obey. What is past and what cannot be prevented should not be grieved for... Misfortunes do not flourish particularly in our lives--they grow everywhere."
-big elk- omaha chief
RIP Big Dave... "I'm loved by many but hated by even more" You will be missed by us all!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

When it rains it pours!!!!

Sooo I call my doctor back... Once again to ask why the hell won't this sinus infection give up... Was on 3 weeks of antibotics... Oh My God!! They tore my stomach up.... Anyway, he said you still aren't feeling better??? Ummm NO, (thinking to self WTF do you think I'm calling you?? To say have a nice day?? ) Anyways, he says let me get back to you... OOOOH great!! So I wait and wait and wait... Two days later, I page him (love being a nurse we have all the ways to get a hold of the docs... LOL... You can't hide from us!!) Screw calling the office because I know I'm going to sit on hold FOREVER!!! Anyways, he calls me back...OOOOO I was going to call you this afternoon... MHM SURRRRRE YOU WERE!! So doc tell me is my illness terminal or what?? Because maaaan I sure as hell can't breathe... Well to make a long story short... I get to have my sinuses roto rootered... Yaaaay... I'm sooo thrilled... Upside 2 weeks off of work!!!
In addition to my fun... The hubby keeps cracking his tooth... The same tooth... WTF would you dentists just fix it and be done with it!!! I refuse to keep paying for the crappy craftsmanship!! Soo he's in a WONDERFUL mood!! Toothaches have to be the worst!!
Finally, my little man.... I'm arguing with his doctor because he is still spitting up so much... It's just reflux he says it will go away... Well first it was it will go away by 1yr... nope not yet... then it will go away by 16 months, then 18 months, then 2yrs... Good god if you don't know wtf is going on the just say so.... Don't keep telling me it will go away because it's not.....Sooo now I have to take him to children's for an ultrasound of his tummy... Good lord this ought to be fun... Which reminds me.... I need to call and make that appt...So as you can see our house has/is a wreck right now...
Man I need a drink...LOL to bad I have to work 2nd tonight...
Dayum it!!!!! When it rains it f**king pours!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Last day of vacation!!! =(

So yes all good things must come to an end... Dayum why does vacation cruise by at 100mph and the typical work day cruises at 10mph??? That just sucks... Anyways, it was a nice break, even though I had to go in for my meeting last Wednesday, not bad though... I did not go anywhere on this week off but I did have some local fun... Wednesday nite, went out to a comedy club in Germantown.... That's always fun... However, after the show my hubby and our friends and I, were enjoying a few drinks at the bar of the club.... We went to get refills, the tender says "Sorry we are closing in 5 minutes..." Ahem how long does it take Nikke to drink a Jack n Coke guys??? Not 5 minutes that's for sure... I looked at my watch, thought it had stopped, it was only 5 to 10pm... Thinking WTF is going on here... Who the hell closes a bar at 10pm, when you have paying customers ready to drink???? Good lord wtf is this world coming too??? I'm thinkin mannnn I'm out, looking good, don't have my son for the nite.... I WANNA DRINK DAYUMMMMMMMMMM IT!!! GIMME A JACK N COKE!!!!! How dare some little twit (looking 12yrs old) interfere with my nite of fun!! GRRRRRRRRRRR I wanted to kick his a**... All in all, don't mess with the Indian when she is drinking jack.... Well, all my kicking and screaming didn't get me anywhere but on another bar stool a few blocks down the road... That's always fun, going to a new bar is like entering the unknown....Always an adventure.... It was an ok, hole in the wall little place... We stayed had a few and left....
Friday I got my massage... All I can say is WOW... I felt like a bowl of jello when I left the spa....It was nice... Then we went out for dinner with brian's sister, couple of friends and my brother and his girlfriend.... That was fun... Then we went to and old hang out... Ran into a few friends we haven't seen in awhile... It was a blast... Except we get out to my truck...and I'm looking like wtf is hanging on my antenna... Brian and his sister have this duel with biscuits everytime we eat at red lobster.... His sister cracked him upside the head with one the last time we went out... This time she waits til after the bar and stacks three on my antenna with a dart hanging out of them... At least I found them before I drove off... Don't worry sis... I'll get ya!!! I have to say I end my vacation on a happy note... I received an email about camping... Yaaaaay summer is upon us!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

On a Serious Note!!!

Last week Wednesday, a friend of mine was hit by a car leaving work... On 29th and Dakota (over by St Luke's)... I work with her sister who is a good friend as well... She was crossing the street to get to the parking structure and was struck by a car... We are unsure who hit her, (nobody witnessed it) I find hard to believe that and the car took off... People please watch out for people crossing the street... They have the right of way. Anyway, she was injured very badly and has a long recovery process ahead of her... She hit her head pretty badly and was in the ICU for a week or so... She is now at home but in alot of pain. If anyone has any information to assist her and her family regarding this accident please call the 6th district police dept... Her family would greatly appreciate the assistance... They are good people and would do anything for anyone... People SLOW the fuk down in residental areas... This is the fourth employee hit over the past year leaving work at St Lukes... Think about it, we all want to make it home to our families just as bad as you do!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Things to add to a friend's radio frustrations!!!
My buddy, STB has some good points on his radio issues over there!! Yes... I am agreeing with STB!! Ahem, cough, cough.... Anyways, another station that started out rather well was 104.7 (the wolf) yes a country station but they played alot of the older country rather then 106.1 who plays mostly top 40 country and slapps an oldie in there once in a blue moon... However, back to 104.7, ummm a few weeks ago I flipped on that station and what did I hear Latino salsa music... WTF... I like salsa music, in the club where I can dance... Not on my presumed country station that was a country station a week ago... If a station is going to completely switch it up on it's listeners, please let us know ahead of time...I figured I would just express my thoughts here rather then getting hell from my buddy for a fifty page post in his comment section... HA HA!! You know I love ya!!!
Thanks to all my friends and family for the cards and birthday wishes!!! I did win 50 bucks on a scratch off ticket... Yaaaay me!!!! Didnt get to go and play bingo though... but oh well...Have a good week everyone! I know I will....I"M OFF OF WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not excited at all!!! (wink wink)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Just another day!!!
Today woke up late... Had a 9am doctors appt for my son... Yea well got there at 910... Not bad since I woke up at 825am... Had to get myself and my son ready and drive 20 minutes to oak creek for his appt.... Not bad....Then I went to "brunch" with my dad, grandma, hubby and my son....Food was good...They pulled the old happy birthday thing on me though... Those goofs...Not sure what else I'm gonna do today...Maybe just lounge around with my lil mann and take it easy... We'll see!! Nothing else much new around here... How bout you guys??

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The f**king DMV!!!!
Ok Ok!! Soooo I finally decide to go and get a replacement drivers license... Why you might ask.... Well, I cracked mine in half... NICE I know.... It was in my back pocket at a party in December.... Yeap my a** broke it.... Anywho, so I finally figured well I should get this replaced... SOOO I take my happy a** to the DMV in south milwaukee.... Walk in there was about 50 people... OOh yaaay... Talk to the crabby info guy... Thinking wtf do you have to be so crabby for??? He says, "And what did you bring for identification??" Well let's see, I have my work ID, my school ID, my birth cert. and this old piece of sh*t you call a wisconsin drivers license (broke in half)... So I ask, which would you like??? He says, "Do you have something with your name and signature on it??" Sure how about this piece of sh*t drivers license??? He says, "That will do!" Finally after 10 minutes of interrogation, he gives me my number... and wait...and wait...and wait... B314...they were calling B304...yea I'm gonna be here awhile....B312 yaaaay almost there... Just then the crabby old information guy says "Excuse me, I have an announcement to make..." Thinking to self...Oh sh*t...Here we go!!! "Our computer system is down and we can not process any drivers license renewals etc...." Son of a b*tch... I just sat here for an hour and a half and 2 numbers before mine this sh*t happens... Dayum and I'm having a good hair day too... GRRRRR... I look at my watch, hmmm 11:30am, just about lunch time... Coincidence... I think not... Dayum feds..... Sooooo I and 45 other people bum rush the door.... F**k this.... I absolutely hate the DMV, can you tell??? And to go and not accomplish my business really pisses me off... Just what I wanted to do on my day off, sit at the DMV for hours and not get my replacement license....Well now it will be a few months before I go back...F**k it!!!!!!!! As long as I can still by alcohol with it... Who the hell cares!! Hell I needed one after all that mess!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Watch out for the post it police!!!
My wonderful Auntie A, who I looooove dearly!! (wink wink) Is on the post it patrol again sooooo I better update before I get a "ticket".....
Nothin much new on this side of the world... Working working working....Thats all I do!!! However, I'm very excited for next week because I took vacation.... YAAAAAYYYY!!! I don't have to stare at that place for a week.... Well with the exception of wednesday, for a meeting... blah blah blah....but that should go by quickly...
Monday is my birthday, ahem cough cough....I'll have to buy some pull tabs.... 2years ago I won $300.00 at PJ's.....That was great!!! I might go and play bingo at the old casino... Wish me luck!!! Someday I'll win "the big one"...
Friday (the 13th) I'm schedule for a massage and a facial.... NICE!!!! Then we are going out to dinner and maybe to have drinks....
Saturday my girlfriends want me to go out for drinks (we'll see)...