Friday, December 30, 2005

Decisions Decisions?!?
The old what to do for new years??? Well, I wasn't invited anywhere (tear).. No love I tell ya... So I'm probably staying home with the hubby and my lil man... It's no fun when you have to go out to work at 7am both days... Dayum sick people... WTF are they thinking??? Just kidding.. I do like my job most days that is... But when the holidays come around and we have to work 12hr shifts because our staffing sucks... That bites the big one.... But what's a girl to do... Deal with the cards I'm dealt...
Speaking of cards... I finally learned how to play Holdem' yaaaay me... I know I know all of you are saying well it's about dayum time.... Yes I do suck at it...but I'll get it... ;)
Happy New Year's Everyone!!!!
Be "good" and drink safely!! Anyone needs a ride home... Just call I know a guy or two with fancy tow trucks ;) It pays to have connections!!!! Much love to the "family and friends"!! Be safe!!!!!


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