Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What a Day?!?!

Oh lord.. Joint commission is observing the hospital this week... LOVELY!!! This just makes my job 10x's more stressful. My boss yesterday is walking around the unit to every nurse...make sure the docs sign all their unsigned verbal orders....Does your chart have this??? That??? and the other thing???? Ok...First off, I'm lucky if I can ask them a question regarding patient you want me to keep them for 15 minutes to sign pages and pages of orders?? Sorry...ain't my job... They know they need to sign/co-sign these orders...They are big boys and girls... I need to take care of the patients....not chase them around...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH twelve hours of this crap.... Unfortunately, nursing is not about patient care anymore its about documentation/paperwork!!! That's such bullshyt!!! Anyway, as I'm leaving work.. I stop to see Auntie A... She's sleeping, so I didn't want to wake her, I spoke with her nurse. She's doing well and her surgery went fine... So I'll try and see her on thursday before I start work.... Proceeding to my truck..... Get shoulder blocked by some big dude 3 times the size of me...why???...who the hell knows.... mannnn your lucky I'm in my scrubs and I'm leaving work... I wanted to punch the asshole in the face....but I thought about it...kinda wanna keep my job this week... Thank the Lord I'm finally out of that place!!!! And I am off tomorrow... WOOOO HOOOO... Driving home...that's always a challenge... People IF YOUR GOING TO DO LESS THEN 65MPH.....STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!!!! I was doing 45mph in the left lane... Trapped with a semi to my right and behind me.... I was very tempted to cruise the E luck I'd get busted.. Oh was I PISSED OFF!!! Finally get home at 10pm.... Put my son in bed...Slammed a beer or six.... and crashed!! I was sooooo exhausted & frustrated....But hell whats another day of stress!!! That's life....I need a vacation and another bottle of jack!!!


Blogger StB said...

Such rage. You need anger management.

10:39 AM  

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