Monday, February 06, 2006

Here's A funny!!!

So I go to visit my mom on Saturday... It's always fun... Anywho, Auntie A was also there picking up her avon... It was nice to see her since I see her once every six months or so... During the winter that is.... We said our Hellos and goodbyes, I bent down to take Nick's coat off and noticed....... Her shoes... I kinda giggled to myself and didnt say anything.... A short while later, Uncle A calls to inform my mom that he is going to have Auntie A commited... My mom is like WHAT?? WTF for?? He proceeds to say you didnt notice her shoes??? She had on 2 shoes that were of similar flavor but the were not a pair. My mom was cracking up laughing... Either its the dementia setting in or the vision is getting bad... Auntie A before you leave examine left foot and right foot to assure a proper fashion technique prior to exiting the home... Wink Wink.... =) I'll be checking your feet each time I see you now, you do realize this right!!?? HA HA....
That actually made my day, because I was having a pretty crappy one prior to that.... I still love ya!!!


Blogger Hey Jo said...

That is not even the best part. One of the shoes was a safety shoe, meaning that it was about 3 lbs heavier than the other. Don't worry we gave her enough shit about it on Sunday :)

4:44 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

That's even more hilarious!!! =)

8:07 PM  
Blogger J. Gambino said...

Okay, but how about the fact they were uneven in height also? First the mind goes, then... Wait, I think the mind goes first, I forget.

10:13 AM  
Blogger AletaR said...

Ahhhh..yes. Nice blog don't write for how long?? It was actually quite funny. I did discover it myself, so I guess that means not to many people whom I saw were very observant....At least they were the same color and style

9:22 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

I still love u!!! =)

9:54 PM  

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