Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday Monday!!!

All I can say is HOLY SH*T!!! What a frickin psycho day! Woke up late this morning...that just kicked the monday off to a good start... Got ready, got the child ready...actually both children... Anyways, noticed the roads still looking like shyt.... GREAT!!!!!!!! Start the trucks, switch the carseat from my truck to his....brush both trucks clean... comeback in the house...son eating nicely in his highchair.... husband... still in the frickin shower.... WTF I need to leave NOW!!! 15 minutes later... out the door with the child... husband still dorkin around... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Finally on the road... 10 minutes to get to work... park the truck (not just in any frickin parking space either.. Very particular about my truck and the parking situation) ... and hike my azz 2 blocks into work.... yea right.... arrived at work... punched in only 5 minutes late... NICE... get to the unit.... oh good your here... your in charge... DAYUMMMMMMMMMM IT!!!! Scrambling to toss my lunch in the frig...3 fall out as I'm doing so... NICE... Proceed to my destiny as charge nurse with a crappy assignment... WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! The unit is full 16 beds... and 4 to come in... GREAT... oh good 2 transfers.... yea well not until 3pm... nice it is 9am...WTF am I going to do until then??? Crabby docs calling...we need beds... Well how about your house...any room in the guest wing??? because I don't have any... So much love... I tell ya... then one nurse was "off" however not taken off the staffing sheets...soooo at 3pm thought I had nine nurses...only had eight...NICE... Thankfully one of the girls said she would stay an extra four hours... Yaaaaay... Thank you ya... otherwise we would have been up shyt creek without a paddle... Moving to 7pm...Thank God almost done!!!!! After giving general report...realized we have 2 extra nurses....nice how the f*ck did that happen... Guess that's better then not enough...still frustrating as hell...Handed over my assignment...the charge crap... and the pager... Wished the next charge... GOODLUCK... and ran for the frickin door..... 8pm...drove to the falls to get my boy.... then all the way back to southside... home by 930pm....Gotta love it.... Monday Monday!!!!


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