Thursday, February 16, 2006


Watching the news last nite and saw a story about people having their wallets stolen while shopping at a local pick n save. This happens to be the one I also shop at. I had one instance last year where I was putting my son in his car seat(7 months old at that time), a guy came up and tried to steal my cart full of groceries. He didnt get far, thanks to a nice man who noticed what was happening and helped me out. He caught the guy made him return to my truck with my cart and load everything into my truck for me. I laugh and slapped him for being stupid. I then thanked the other man for helping me. He said no problem, I would hope someone would do this for my wife, if something like this would happen. Then we waited for the cops. Anyways, back to the pick pocket thing. Ladies don't leave your purse in the cart. Zip it up while shopping and keep it on your shoulder. Or do like I do. Keep your wallet/money in your pocket while at the store. Just a few simple common sense things will keep you stuff safe. (this is also how I broke my ID, which I still need to have Better do that one of these days...Maaaaaan I dont want to go back to the DMV...Ah well one of these days...LOL


Blogger AletaR said...

Do you know how many women I see at the store not even near their carts with their purses hanging open, or loading up their cars with their purses still in the cart. Besides a debit card or check and my Pick & Save Advantage plus card I see no reason to even take my purse into the store.

4:13 PM  
Blogger StB said...

DJW has a man bag that he uses.

12:56 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

Oh my Gooodness!!! I'm going to leave it at that!! =)

10:35 PM  

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