Thursday, February 23, 2006

American Idol

So I'm watching American Idol last night... Anybody watch it??? OR am I the only dork watching this show... It is purely entertaining to watch these people who think they can sing soooooo good and see thier reactions after they are embarassed by the judges.... Oh my gooooooodness!! I immediately thought of STB, (whom I love dearly and consider a good friend. He knows that if he was making a complete a$$ out of himself, I would tell him. Unless he wanted to of course... Hey where's my liquor muffin by the way????) Anyways, when the BIG kid sang Copa Cabana!! I was cracking up, tears were rolling down my face as this kid was singing.... It reminded me of the many drunkin nights of karaoke (Steve and The Stevettes).... Ok ok... Does this kid think he's going to get anywhere by singing that song?? Or trying to sing period??? Don't get me wrong it is a great song and STB sings it well, I would have rather sat and listened to him sing it then watching it last night on American Idol... The kid just plain sucked... Poor Barry Manilow is probably flipping him off right now... All I can say is it will be an interesting season....


Blogger AletaR said...

Can't say that I ever watch the IDol. I just don't like the show. To me it's right up there with Survivor.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Hey Jo said...

I love watching Idol. It is too funny. The girl, Becky, that kicked off was really pretty but she sang for shit. I was sad to see the big guy get kicked off as well. I thought he did an ok job of the song (not as good as StB), but he was very animated.

1:04 PM  

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