Thursday, March 23, 2006

Help Diabetics!!

Ok usually I am not the most politcal advocate however, when it comes to certain things such as diabetic coverage for health insurance. I need to act. This particular bill is going to allow health insurance companies not to cover diabetics (supplies, prescriptions etc). They are trying to support a state run health insurance for diabetics. We all know these programs cover prescriptions and things inadequately. Look at medicare and how our elderly suffer with costs. Many of you know that I am a type 1 diabetic and have been for 16 years. It has been a struggle and I have been close to death a few times due to this disease. Allowing insurance companies to discriminate their coverage is stupid, for any disease not just diabetes. Many of you know people or are people who suffer from diabetes. Prescriptions in general are not cheap. The average diabetic spends 100s of dollars alone on medications and supplies necessary to sustain life. If you would like to send an email to the senators opposing this bill. Click here Thanks for your support.


Blogger Erik said...

Insurance companies don't discriminate, but everything is run through a CBA (cost-benefit analysis). Anything that they can't make money on, gets tossed aside. After working in the pharmacy industry for the last 6 years, I've really gotten to hate insurance companies and their effect on health care.

3:27 PM  
Blogger ChiefOptimizer said...

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4:00 PM  

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