Thursday, March 09, 2006

College Idiots!!!!

Ok I have to make a "blanket" comment from a friend's blog... Because my mouth is too big and I would take up half a page commenting on a story of his... This refers to STB's Anonymity story regarding the Rogan vs Idiot arguement.
In reference to this paragraph: "One of the funny things in the exchange is the kid saying he has accomplished nothing and has no money because he is in college. Lame excuse. Yes, college will suck your funds dry but that doesn't mean you cannot accomplish things. Maybe if you weren't sitting around emailing random people to insult them, you could be off doing some volunteer work or something to better your community."
Children, the because I'm in college excuse is lame. Quite frankly your broke and have accomplished nothing because your LAZY and UNMOTIVATED!!!! I personally had many accomplishments while attending college. I worked 40 hours plus, all throughout college. Two jobs. Nursing assistant and bartending... I studied nursing and computer studies... While in school I drove a new car. My junior year of college I purchased my own home and got married. (Did I forget to mention my parents didn't pay for me to attend school either. They also did not purchase my home or car... I DID....Yes they would purchase my books once in awhile.) I have a thing called a "student loan." Anyways, my senior year of college I also traveled to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona to work in one of the hospitals (for free) for three weeks. All through school I did have a social life... I did go out and drink not every nite but once in awhile... At least fridays when I shot darts.... I also have a cousin who has 3 college degrees. Do you think she has a job...Nope... She lives at home with her mom... Quite discusting I think... Grow up and get a life of your own. This post isn't intended to brag about the things I have or the things I have done... It's intent is to inform people that it is possible to do things while your in college... I don't have the best of things and I definately don't have everything I want but the things I do have are mine and I am greatful for that...


Blogger StB said...

AMEN sister!

12:12 PM  

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