Thursday, January 05, 2006

Watch out for the post it police!!!
My wonderful Auntie A, who I looooove dearly!! (wink wink) Is on the post it patrol again sooooo I better update before I get a "ticket".....
Nothin much new on this side of the world... Working working working....Thats all I do!!! However, I'm very excited for next week because I took vacation.... YAAAAAYYYY!!! I don't have to stare at that place for a week.... Well with the exception of wednesday, for a meeting... blah blah blah....but that should go by quickly...
Monday is my birthday, ahem cough cough....I'll have to buy some pull tabs.... 2years ago I won $300.00 at PJ's.....That was great!!! I might go and play bingo at the old casino... Wish me luck!!! Someday I'll win "the big one"...
Friday (the 13th) I'm schedule for a massage and a facial.... NICE!!!! Then we are going out to dinner and maybe to have drinks....
Saturday my girlfriends want me to go out for drinks (we'll see)...


Blogger AletaR said...

Hey...all I was saying is if you're going to have a blog and people get interested in it...then you need to update once in awhile.. Hope you have a great week off..

5:18 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

I know djw that's why I updated mine too... Thanks Auntie A!!
Surprised you didnt answer the M&M question on gambino's blog the other day.... =)

12:14 AM  
Blogger AletaR said...

I didn't know the answer...neither did jeeves..

5:06 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

Geeeez your favorite candy and all!!! The M&Ms website is were I found my answer!!

10:27 PM  

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