Saturday, January 07, 2006

The f**king DMV!!!!
Ok Ok!! Soooo I finally decide to go and get a replacement drivers license... Why you might ask.... Well, I cracked mine in half... NICE I know.... It was in my back pocket at a party in December.... Yeap my a** broke it.... Anywho, so I finally figured well I should get this replaced... SOOO I take my happy a** to the DMV in south milwaukee.... Walk in there was about 50 people... OOh yaaay... Talk to the crabby info guy... Thinking wtf do you have to be so crabby for??? He says, "And what did you bring for identification??" Well let's see, I have my work ID, my school ID, my birth cert. and this old piece of sh*t you call a wisconsin drivers license (broke in half)... So I ask, which would you like??? He says, "Do you have something with your name and signature on it??" Sure how about this piece of sh*t drivers license??? He says, "That will do!" Finally after 10 minutes of interrogation, he gives me my number... and wait...and wait...and wait... B314...they were calling B304...yea I'm gonna be here awhile....B312 yaaaay almost there... Just then the crabby old information guy says "Excuse me, I have an announcement to make..." Thinking to self...Oh sh*t...Here we go!!! "Our computer system is down and we can not process any drivers license renewals etc...." Son of a b*tch... I just sat here for an hour and a half and 2 numbers before mine this sh*t happens... Dayum and I'm having a good hair day too... GRRRRR... I look at my watch, hmmm 11:30am, just about lunch time... Coincidence... I think not... Dayum feds..... Sooooo I and 45 other people bum rush the door.... F**k this.... I absolutely hate the DMV, can you tell??? And to go and not accomplish my business really pisses me off... Just what I wanted to do on my day off, sit at the DMV for hours and not get my replacement license....Well now it will be a few months before I go back...F**k it!!!!!!!! As long as I can still by alcohol with it... Who the hell cares!! Hell I needed one after all that mess!!


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