Monday, February 27, 2006

Question to the world!!??!!??

Question to the world... Why do people feel the need to buy shyt and not pay for it???? Yes I understand life happens and there are times when people become ill or what not... However, it's these other fools who run and hide their cars....Like we aren't going to find you... Please...
My husband opened his own business last year doing repossession... Congrats on the year anniversary!!!!! People if you can't afford it anymore...Give it up... It's only a car...Many of the people we are after are able to work... Get a JOB!! He was on the phone with a lady the other day, I paid I just sent them a check...Well yea you sent them a check that bounced...soooo you didnt pay.... These people have court order after court order for stuff... planes, trains and automobiles etc.... Many of them are minorities and try to slip the minority card....Love that one too... B's response to that one is: Nope I'm just doing it simply because you didn't pay for your shyt...It's crazy...but hey as long as people like this keep popping up...We're still in business... Sad but true........


Blogger Hey Jo said...

It is called 'People not taking personal responsibility for their actions'.. 9 times out of 10 repo-ing could have been avoided if they would contact their lenders to make arrangements. Hard times happen for everyone. Be upfront about it and maybe you get to keep the car, house, etc.

I get so sick of hearing that it is not my fault that I bought a car that I can't afford. The dealer should not have let me buy such an expensive car, etc....

4:44 PM  
Blogger AWE said...

That is a scary business. My cousin used to do it, he told us several sob stories, also some funny ones.

8:41 AM  
Blogger J. Gambino said...

My ex-a$$hole had my car repo'd because it was still in his name. Yeah, I was taken by surprise, but who did he hurt? Me? Not in my name, otherwise do you think I could buy another car? I was without a car for 1/2 a day. Big whoop. I just tell B to give me a heads up when he comes to get my car.

2:01 PM  

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