Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spring is here!!!

The weather is week has been interesting! However yesterday was beautiful. I had the day off, yaaaaay. So I did a little work in the yard, pulling weeds and laying dirt. This is always an adventure while chasing the 19 month old around the yard. We had fun. As I'm doing my yard work I hear birds in my garage. Oh great what the hell?!? I walk to the westside of the garage and notice a huge hole in the sofit (think I spelled that one wrong) anyways, the birds pecked a hole in the sofit and built a nest. LOVELY!!!!
My house has needed roof work for a couple of years but yea well this is what I get for putting it off. Anyways, I call for an estimate. Yea sure I guess I'm going to be doing this myself... The husband is afraid of heights... he won't do it... My little brother wants to charge me an additional $2000.00. So he can "make some money". You don't "make money" off of your broke relatives!!! That is just wrong... I guess I'll be charging cab fair the next time he needs to be picked up from the bar at 2am. Shithead!!! Wait until I tell my father about this one!!!
And best of all was the estimate I received from the "professional". I almost pissed my pants when I saw that one. Mind you, my house is a small ranch and the garage is 2.5 cars. Really not that difficult to do. Let's just say he's on crack!! And I'll do it myself before I pay $15000.00.
So if anybody sees me lying in the bushes in the front yard because I fell off the roof after I tripped over the nail gun..... Pick me up, ok... Thanks!!!!


Blogger StB said...

Wow. I cannot believe your brother is trying to take advantage of the situation. That is just wrong.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Hey Jo said...

I have to leave a comment so I can tell you that my verification word is.... pieeholu.. pie hole u?? hmmm strange...

3:50 PM  
Blogger Erik said...

Remember: Nail guns, your roof, and drinking does not mix. That'll help keep you on the roof and out of the ER. ;)

6:11 PM  
Blogger AWE said...

I will fly to where you are and do the job for $15000. That quote has to be wrong.

10:37 AM  
Blogger StB said...

See Erik. That is why I am not a roofer

11:37 AM  

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