Tuesday, January 24, 2006

When it rains it pours!!!!

Sooo I call my doctor back... Once again to ask why the hell won't this sinus infection give up... Was on 3 weeks of antibotics... Oh My God!! They tore my stomach up.... Anyway, he said you still aren't feeling better??? Ummm NO, (thinking to self WTF do you think I'm calling you?? To say have a nice day?? ) Anyways, he says let me get back to you... OOOOH great!! So I wait and wait and wait... Two days later, I page him (love being a nurse we have all the ways to get a hold of the docs... LOL... You can't hide from us!!) Screw calling the office because I know I'm going to sit on hold FOREVER!!! Anyways, he calls me back...OOOOO I was going to call you this afternoon... MHM SURRRRRE YOU WERE!! So doc tell me is my illness terminal or what?? Because maaaan I sure as hell can't breathe... Well to make a long story short... I get to have my sinuses roto rootered... Yaaaay... I'm sooo thrilled... Upside 2 weeks off of work!!!
In addition to my fun... The hubby keeps cracking his tooth... The same tooth... WTF would you dentists just fix it and be done with it!!! I refuse to keep paying for the crappy craftsmanship!! Soo he's in a WONDERFUL mood!! Toothaches have to be the worst!!
Finally, my little man.... I'm arguing with his doctor because he is still spitting up so much... It's just reflux he says it will go away... Well first it was it will go away by 1yr... nope not yet... then it will go away by 16 months, then 18 months, then 2yrs... Good god if you don't know wtf is going on the just say so.... Don't keep telling me it will go away because it's not.....Sooo now I have to take him to children's for an ultrasound of his tummy... Good lord this ought to be fun... Which reminds me.... I need to call and make that appt...So as you can see our house has/is a wreck right now...
Man I need a drink...LOL to bad I have to work 2nd tonight...
Dayum it!!!!! When it rains it f**king pours!!!!!


Blogger Hey Jo said...

Let me know if you need the name of another dentist. The guy we have is great. Hubby used to coach football with him for many years. He is out by Mayfair.

9:41 PM  

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