Monday, January 16, 2006

Last day of vacation!!! =(

So yes all good things must come to an end... Dayum why does vacation cruise by at 100mph and the typical work day cruises at 10mph??? That just sucks... Anyways, it was a nice break, even though I had to go in for my meeting last Wednesday, not bad though... I did not go anywhere on this week off but I did have some local fun... Wednesday nite, went out to a comedy club in Germantown.... That's always fun... However, after the show my hubby and our friends and I, were enjoying a few drinks at the bar of the club.... We went to get refills, the tender says "Sorry we are closing in 5 minutes..." Ahem how long does it take Nikke to drink a Jack n Coke guys??? Not 5 minutes that's for sure... I looked at my watch, thought it had stopped, it was only 5 to 10pm... Thinking WTF is going on here... Who the hell closes a bar at 10pm, when you have paying customers ready to drink???? Good lord wtf is this world coming too??? I'm thinkin mannnn I'm out, looking good, don't have my son for the nite.... I WANNA DRINK DAYUMMMMMMMMMM IT!!! GIMME A JACK N COKE!!!!! How dare some little twit (looking 12yrs old) interfere with my nite of fun!! GRRRRRRRRRRR I wanted to kick his a**... All in all, don't mess with the Indian when she is drinking jack.... Well, all my kicking and screaming didn't get me anywhere but on another bar stool a few blocks down the road... That's always fun, going to a new bar is like entering the unknown....Always an adventure.... It was an ok, hole in the wall little place... We stayed had a few and left....
Friday I got my massage... All I can say is WOW... I felt like a bowl of jello when I left the spa....It was nice... Then we went out for dinner with brian's sister, couple of friends and my brother and his girlfriend.... That was fun... Then we went to and old hang out... Ran into a few friends we haven't seen in awhile... It was a blast... Except we get out to my truck...and I'm looking like wtf is hanging on my antenna... Brian and his sister have this duel with biscuits everytime we eat at red lobster.... His sister cracked him upside the head with one the last time we went out... This time she waits til after the bar and stacks three on my antenna with a dart hanging out of them... At least I found them before I drove off... Don't worry sis... I'll get ya!!! I have to say I end my vacation on a happy note... I received an email about camping... Yaaaaay summer is upon us!!!!


Blogger Hey Jo said...

Today is Saturday, beware of the bloger police. You know that if you don't post frequently, she will get ya ;)

10:27 AM  
Blogger AletaR said...

You know...I was just going to let her know that her blog is now old news but I think someone else has taken over my thoughts....Good job D & J. Come on have to have something to write about...

2:38 PM  
Blogger WhisKeYGyrL said...

Once again I will say I'm sorry!!! I've been soooo busy working (worked 54 hours last week) and chasing little man.... I have soo much email too... Anyways here's a new post.... not much but bytching but oh well!! That's life!!

9:51 AM  

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